


Conecta THINK TANK is an exclusive discussion forum that takes place in a different and unique location each year.

Leading industry professionals discuss in depth, in a relaxed atmosphere, the present and future of the international television sector, from creativity, financing, operating windows, European and national legal frameworks, to new trends in the industry.

This edition of Conecta THINK TANK will take place on Tuesday, 18 June 2024 in the facilities of Puy du Fou Spain, a unique park located in the heart of nature, that allows you to travel from era to era. It is a journey through time, a place where you can get excited about history and roots.

In this exclusive setting, Conecta THINK TANK attendees will be able to reflect, debate, share their visions of the market and draw conclusions on the most important issues in the sector. In addition, they will also enjoy a meal in an adjoining room, located within the grounds of the park.

Among the topics that were discussed in the last edition of Conecta THINK TANK in 2023, common concerns that arose in the 2022 edition were raised again, such as the evolution of the AVOD, SVOD, and PPV models in the platforms and their advantages and disadvantages, intellectual property rights (how to retain, share or assign IP), content offer (few originals vs. adaptations, high-end production vs. low budget, LIVE broadcasting rights…), analysis of the programming structure and the segmentation and the positioning of each platform.

The conclusions of the Conecta THINK TANK will be presented on the last day of Conecta FICTION & ENTERTAINMENT.


Who can participate: only participants with Hybrid Accreditation. Those with Online Accreditation or Day Pass will not be able to attend the think tank. The organisation reserves the right of admission according to the professional profile.

Price: 110€ (+ taxes)

Registration form

You can find the terms and conditions of the activity here.

You can find the conclusions of Conecta THINK TANK 2023 here.